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城市攀缘植物具有吸附颗粒物及累积重金属的作用,能够有效改善城市生态环境。通过对6种攀缘植物叶片单位面积吸附不同粒径颗粒物、叶面颗粒物及叶片中重金属含量进行研究得出:五叶地锦(Parthenocissus quinquefolia)单位面积吸附总颗粒物量最大(12.56mg/cm2),七姊妹(Rose multiflora)和金银花(Lonicera japonica)较小。凌霄(Campsis grandiflora)吸附大颗粒物能力最强,木通(Akebia quinata)吸附粗颗粒物和细颗粒物能力最强。植物叶面颗粒物及叶片中重金属含量具有显著差异,地锦(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)叶面颗粒物中Cr含量最大,木通叶面颗粒物中Cu含量最大,五叶地锦叶面颗粒物中Pb,Zn和Cd含量最大。地锦叶片对Cr和Pb的富集能力最强,五叶地锦叶片对Zn和Cd的富集能力最强,凌霄叶片对Cu的富集能力最强。通过计算相关系数表明,除Cu之外,叶面颗粒物中4种重金属均与不同粒径颗粒物表现出正相关关系,其中Cr、Pb和Zn与细颗粒物的相关系数分别为0.760,0.759和0.813。植物叶片中重金属Cr与细颗粒物呈极显著正相关,相关系数为0.787。叶片中各重金属含量受到叶面颗粒物中各重金属含量的显著影响,叶面颗粒物中Cu-Pb、Pb-Zn、Cd-Cr呈极显著正相关,叶片中Zn-Pb、Cd-Cr、Cd-Pb、Cd-Zn呈极显著正相关,表明大部分重金属具有同源性。
关键词:  园林植物  攀缘植物  颗粒物  吸附  重金属
Deposition of Particular Matter and Accumulation of Heavy Metal on Six Climbing Plants
LÜ Xiaoqian,ZHANG Yinlong
Urban climbing plants have the function of absorbing particulate matter and accumulating heavy metals, which can effectively improve the urban ecological environment. To study the different size particulates retention amounts per leaf surface, heavy metal accumulation on foliar dust and leaf tissue by the six climbing plants were studied. The results indicated that the dust retention amount per leaf surface of Parthenocissus quinquefolia was the largest at an average level of 12.56mg/cm2, while Rosa multiflora and Lonicera japonica were the smallest at an average level of particulates. Campsis grandiflora had the strongest ability to adsorb large particles, and Akebia quinata had the strongest ability to adsorb coarse and fine particles. Plants have remarkable difference in accumulation of heavy metals concentration, the Cr concentration was the highest in Parthenocissus tricuspidata, the Cu concentration was the highest in Akebia quinata, the Pb, Zn and Cd concentration was the highest in Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Parthenocissus tricuspidata had the strongest enrichment ability of Cr and Pb, Parthenocissus quinquefolia had the strongest enrichment ability of Zn and Cd, Campsis grandiflora had the strongest enrichment ability of Cu. By calculating the correlation coefficient, the results showed that except for Cu, there was a positive correlation between the four heavy metals content in foliar dust and the different sizes particulates. The correlation coefficient between Cu, Pb and Zn content in foliar dust and fine particles were 0.760, 0.759 and 0.813, respectively. The results showed that Cr content had positive relation with fine particles reached 0.787. The heavy metals content in foliar dust had a significant effect on the heavy metals content in leave tissue. Cu-Pb, Pb-Zn and Cd-Cr in foliar dust was significantly positive correlation, and Zn-Pb, Cd-Cr, Cd-Pb and Cd-Zn in leaf tissue was significantly positive correlation, which indicated that the most of the heavy metals were homologous.
Key words:  landscape plant  climbing plant  particulate  adsorb  heavy metal

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