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专类园是一种强调专类植物收集、展示和植物造 景的园林形式,在植物园建设中具有重要地位。藤本植物因 其独特的观赏特征、生长习性及生态效应,近年已成为城市 园林绿化的重要造景材料。在分析华南植物园藤本植物专类 园建设背景、园址概况的基础上,结合其功能定位,提出了 科学性、功能性、地域性、艺术性及以人为本的规划原则; 确定了“一轴、三线、三点、五片区”的总体规划布局。在 文化线的园林构图及造景上,重点阐述了三大主题景观节 点——帷幄疏影、西关居、文昌亭的设计理念及其园林建筑 风格,探讨了岭南传统建筑、小品及文化在构建地域特色园 林景观中的作用;在植物线的园林造景上,简介了各景区的 植物布置方式及组景模式;在科普旅游线的组织上,介绍了 园区的园林小品造景意境及科普设施布置形式,以期为中国 藤本植物专类园建设提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  藤本植物  专类园  规划设计  地域 特色
The Planning and Design of the Specialized Gardenfor Vine Plants in South China Botanical Garden
ZHANG Yahui,LIAO Jingping,ZHANG Rongmei,NING Zulin
As a garden form that emphasizes the collection, display and landscaping of some specific plants, the specialized garden plays a very important role in the construction of botanical gardens. Due to its unique ornamental characteristics, growth habits and ecological effects, vines have become important materials for urban landscaping in recent years. Based on the analysis of the background and the site of the vine plant specialized garden in South China Botanical Garden, and combined with its functional orientation, the scientific, functional, regional, artistic and people- oriented planning principles are proposed, and the overall planning layout which is "one axis, three lines, three points and five zones" is determined. In the garden composition and landscaping of the cultural line, the design concept of the three major thematic landscape nodes – Weiwoshuying, Xiguanju and Wenchang Pavilion and the architectural style of the garden are elaborated, and the role of the traditional architecture, sketches and culture of Lingnan on landscaping with regional features are discussed. In the landscaping of the plant line, the plant layout and group landscape mode of each scenic spot are introduced. And in the organization of the popular science tourism line, the landscaping concept and the popular science facility layout are presented, so as to provide reference for the construction of China's vine gardens.
Key words:  landscape architecture  vine plant  specialized garden  planning and design  regional characteristics

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