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科学构建城市绿地生态网络,对区域生态安全、城 市可持续发展及生物多样性保护具有重要意义。基于AHP法 和GIS技术,定量分析厦门市自然生态本底,选取重要生态斑 块和廊道,采用最小费用路径法模拟潜在廊道,综合构建城 市绿地生态网络,并提出绿地生态网络优化策略。结果表明: 1)AHP法可整合区域生态、经济、人文和社会等资源,全面 客观评价现状生态斑块和廊道的重要程度;最小费用路径法可 根据生境分布特征科学模拟连通各斑块之间的潜在廊道;2)厦 门市西北部的生态基底适宜性、生态源地及廊道重要性、斑块 之间有效连通性均高于东北部及中部平原区;岛内斑块面积小 且分散,南北部存在断层现象,应适度增加踏脚石和连通廊 道;3)结合城市生态发展需求,提出构建“一片、一环、三 带、多廊道、多节点”的城市绿地生态网络。研究结果可为厦 门市绿地系统规划提供科学依据。
关键词:  风景园林  厦门市  绿地生态网络  AHP法  最 小费用路径法
Construction and Optimization of the Green SpaceEcological Network in Xiamen City
LIU Xiaoyang,ZENG Jian,ZENG Peng
Scientific construction of urban green space ecological network is of great significance to regional ecological security, urban sustainable development and biodiversity protection. Based on the AHP method and GIS software, the natural ecological background of Xiamen city was quantitatively analyzed, the important ecological patches and corridors were evaluated, the potential corridors were simulated by the least-cost path method, the urban green space ecological network was synthetically constructed, and then it put forward the optimization strategies of green space ecological network. The results showed that: 1) AHP method could integrate regional ecological, economic, social and other resources, and comprehensively and objectively evaluate the importance of ecological patches and corridors; 2) The least- cost path method could scientifically simulate potential corridors between important patches according to the characteristics of habitat distribution; 3) The suitability of ecological basement, the importance of ecological sources and corridors, and the effective connectivity between patches in the northwest area of the study area were higher than those in the northeast area and the central plain area; the patches in the island were smaller and dispersed, and there were fault phenomena between the north and south areas, so stepping stones and corridors should be moderately increased. According to the needs of urban ecological development, the urban green space ecological network of "one region, one ring, three belts, multi corridors and multi points" was constructed. The research results could provide scientific basis for the planning of Xiamen green space system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Xiamen city  green space ecological network  AHP method  least-cost path method

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