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新冠肺炎疫情期间城市公园绿地运行管理 研究
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情期间,城市公园绿地作 为重要的绿色基础设施,成为公众日常生活中不可或缺的公共 空间环境,对疫情防控和维持公众身心健康具有积极意义。从 疫情期间公园绿地的功能作用分析入手,结合新冠肺炎病毒传 播特点、防控要求和国内典型城市应对疫情管理实践,提出了 疫期公园绿地运行管理的基本原则和构建公园绿地防疫体系、 建立内外联防联动机制、实施分级分类分区域管控、综合确定 疫期游人规模、施行管控与疏导相结合等系列策略,以及启动 应急管理、安全评估与分级管控、园内环境卫生消毒、疫期优 质管养、员工健康维护、正向科普宣传等对策措施,以期提升 城市公园绿地应对突发重大公共卫生事件的能力和运行管理水 平,为做好疫情期间公园绿地的科学管理和安全运行提供参考 依据。
关键词:  风景园林  新冠肺炎疫情  公园绿地  运行管理  策略措施  游人管控
Research on the Operational Management ofUrban Parks and Green Spaces during the NovelCoronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak
FU Yanrong,JIA Jianzhong,WANG Hongcheng,LIU Yanmei,LI Jiaying
During the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (COVID-19), urban parks and green spaces (UPGSs), as an important green infrastructure in city, has become an indispensable public environment in daily life, which has a positive significance to control the epidemic and maintain the public physical and mental health. The study started from the analysis of function and role of UPGSs under the epidemic, combined covid-19 transmission characteristics, control requirements and the practice of epidemic management in typical cities in China. It proposed the basic principles of operation and management and a series of strategies including building the epidemic prevention system of UPGSs, establishing the linkage mechanism of internal and external joint defense, implementing hierarchical, classified and regional management, comprehensive determination of the scale of visitors, and combination of control and dredging, as well as countermeasures such as starting emergency management, safety assessment and hierarchical control, environmental cleaning and disinfection in UPGSs, quality conservation of green space, staff health maintenance and positive popularization, with the purpose of improving the ability and level of operation and management of UPGSs in response to major public health emergencies, and providing reference for the scientific management and safe operation of UPGSs during the epidemic.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak  urban park and green space  operational management  strategy and measure  visitor management

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