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北魏西林(西游)园营造于洛阳宫城之内,改变了以 往皇家园林在宫外设置的传统,具有转折意义。但城市的兴废 使园林名称与沿革存在争议,位置的改变又使其景观营造与服 务功能较以往有所变化,故在此探究。园林名称上,该园属 “名异实同”的情况,西林园是正称,西游园是别称或临时称 谓。园林沿革上,该园建于北魏迁都洛阳时,在前代台殿、池 沼遗迹上营造而成。景观营造上,该园利用台观打破宫城空间 限制,并与宫殿、池沼组合形成优美景观,还开创性的融儒、 道、释三家观念于同一园林中。服务功能上,该园营造的目的 是游憩,但帝后在园中的施政行为又赋予其一定的政治功能, 巧妙的理水方式还使其具有显著的生态效益。
关键词:  风景园林  北魏  洛阳  皇家园林  西林园  西 游园
Research on Xilin (Xiyou) Garden in Luoyang ofNorthern Wei Dynasty
GUO Jianhui,JIANG He,YUAN Jianghong,TIAN Guohang
Built inside Luoyang Palace, Xilin (Xiyou) Garden of Northern Wei Dynasty, was a turning point which changed the tradition of building royal gardens outside the palace. However, the rise and fall of the city makes the name and historical evolution controversial, and the change of location also influenced its landscape construction and service function compared with the past, which inspired this research. As for the name of the garden, it is actually "similar in reality and differences in name". Xilin Garden is a formal name and Xiyou Garden is an alias or temporary name. As for the evolution of gardens, it was built on the ruins and remains of pools and marshes when Luoyang was established as capital city in Northern Wei Dynasty. In the aspect of landscape construction, it uses platform landscape to solve the problem of space constraints. While gaining a broad vision, it seeks the beauty of the landscape, and creatively integrates Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism into one garden. In terms of service function, it takes recreation as its construction purpose. However, the emperors and empresses regnant activities in the Garden endowed it with certain political functions, and the ingenious way of water system also create significant ecological benefits.
Key words:  andscape architecture  Northern Wei Dynasty  Luoyang  royal garden  Xilin Garden  Xiyou Garden

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