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四川省主要城市市域绿色基础设施 形态学空间分析及景观组成研究
成渝城市群是西部地区的国家级城市群,伴随成渝城市群城镇化进程的加快,城市建设用地扩展与林地、耕地保护的矛盾日益加剧。以成渝城市群四川境内的13个主要城市市域范围为研究对象,首先应用形态学空间分析(MSPA)方法,准确识别并量化了各城市绿色基础设施(GI)网络结构要素,其次计算出各城市GI网络结构要素的土地利用类型占比,最后应用聚类分析法(Cluster Analysis),以13个城市的土地利用类型在GI网络结构要素中所占比例作为变量因子,根据GI网络中景观组成的相似程度对13个城市进行分类,分析并总结了不同类别下城市GI景观组成的特征及差异。结果表明:各城市的核心区和连接桥是主要GI网络结构要素类型,7类GI网络结构要素在城市中主要由耕地和林地构成,不同城市在景观组成特征上具有一定相关性。研究结果对客观认识各城市GI特征、成渝城市群的生态网络构建及其保护规划有重要的参考价值。
关键词:  风景园林  绿色基础设施  形态学空间分析  景观组成特征  聚类分析  成渝城市群
Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis and Landscape Composition of Green Infrastructure in Major Cities of Sichuan Province
XIE Yusong,FAN Huiwen,WANG Qianna,LUO Yanyun,WANG Xia
The Chengdu-Chongqing city group is a national-level urban agglomeration in the western region of China, and with the deepening of the urbanization process of Chengdu-Chongqing city group, the contradiction between the expansion of urban construction land and the protection of forest land and cultivated land has intensified. This paper takes 13 major cities of Chengdu-Chongqing city group in Sichuan Province as study area at the city scale. Firstly, based on morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA), it identifies and quantifies the network structure elements of each green infrastructure (GI). Secondly, the proportions of land use types of each city area's GI network structure elements are clarified. Finally, on the basis of cluster analysis method, taking the proportion of land use types in 13 cities in the GI network structure elements as a variable factor, 13 cities are classified according to the similarity of landscape composition in the GI network. The characteristics and differences of urban GI landscape composition under different categories are analyzed and summarized. The results show that the core area and the connecting bridge are the main types of landscape. The main forms of the seven landscape types in the city are cultivated land and forest land, and the characteristics of different cities are related to the landscape composition. The research results have important reference for objectively understanding the characteristics of each city's GI, the ecological network construction of Chengdu-Chongqing city group and its planning and protection value.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green infrastructure  morphological spatial pattern analysis  characteristics of landscape composition  cluster analysis  Chengdu-Chongqing city group

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