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中国的风景园林学正处于大变局中。文明发展、政 治态势、生态环境、技术革新和教育改革的深刻变革决定了研 发风景园林学新引擎的必要性。学科的机遇和危机并重,其机 遇包含国民经济和社会发展目标的根本性转变、气候与生物多 样性治理的主流化,以及国家重大战略和重大工程的需求,其 危机则体现为对学科的刻板认识、研究硬核缺失、行业被边缘 化和教育的僵化。农业和工业文明时代中国风景园林学发展的 3项驱动力分别是中国本土风景园林知行传统、苏联和东欧风 景园林相关教育与实践,以及西方风景园林学学科思想。在生 态文明新时代,需要研发具有高站位的学科发展目标、聚焦的 学科发展关键问题、完整的学科核心竞争力结构3个基本属性 的风景园林学新引擎,其原动力是包含自然观、人文观和实践 观在内的价值观,助燃剂是基于复杂性科学的方法论,包含面 向国际前沿、国家重大战略和重大工程的导航组件,基于风景 园林科学研究的助推组件,从科学研究到规划设计的转换组 件,基于高质量规划设计实践的示范组件,以及以地境营造为 核心的风景园林教育组件。
关键词:  风景园林  风景园林学  大变局  新引擎  学科 发展  生态文明
New Engine for Landscape Architecture Discipline of China in the Great Changes
Landscape architecture in China is in the midst of the great changes. Profound transformations in civilizational development, political dynamics, ecological environment, technological innovations and educational reforms determine the need to develop new engines of landscape architecture. The opportunities and challenges of the discipline coexist. The opportunities are brought by the fundamental shift in both economic and social development goals, the mainstreaming of climate change and biodiversity governance, and also the needs of national significant strategies and projects. The challenges come from the stereotypical public perception, the lack of research hard-core, the industry marginalization, and the rigidity of education. The three past driving forces for landscape architecture in China, in the era of agricultural and industrial civilization, could be summarized as 1) the indigenous knowledge and practice of Chinese tradition, 2) the Soviet and Eastern European landscape architecture-related education and practices, and 3) the Western landscape architecture disciplinary thought. In the new era of ecological civilization, it is necessary to develop a new engine of landscape architecture with three basic attributes: a high level of disciplinary goals, focused disciplinary key issues, and a complete disciplinary core competitiveness structure. The driving force is the values including the natural view, humanistic view and practical view, the fuel is the methodology based on complexity science, and its components are the navigation module for international frontier, national major strategies and great projects, the boosting module based on landscape science research, the conversion component from scientific research to planning and design, the demonstration component based on high quality planning and design practice, and the education component with the core of Jing creation
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape architecture discipline  great changes  new engine  discipline development  ecological civilization

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